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Indoor Treadmill Vs Outdoor Terrain

In recent years there has been a massive shift taking fitness training out of the gym and into the great outdoors. No matter where you live there seems to be bootcamps, running clubs, boxing, circuits (the list goes on) all accessible in your local park run by the ever enthusiastic personal trainer.

As effective, and motivating as this type of training may be, I’m here to defend the treadmill (and the gym experience as a whole) as I believe, as much as it’s not an environment liked by everyone, it’s still a great space to workout in. It all depends on what you want (and need) from your workout.

As a marathon runner I’ll always do my distance training outside. And I’ll admit it’s an amazing feeling when you’re in the ‘zone’ as if you could give Forest Gump a run for his money (pun intended!),  feeling strong in the fresh air and taking in everything around you. Mainly trying not to fall over studying the terrain beneath your feet, avoiding any dogs bounding around like mad things and pushing your head into the wind (as no matter how many times you think you change direction the wind, guaranteed, is always in your face)!

There is an awful lot to be said for exercising outside. For a start you’re away from artificial lighting (and the general hum drum of electricity), music that’s really not to your liking, and of course, those people that may feel a little intimidating to be around (you know the ones I’m talking about, lycra clad muscled up folk that do more posing than working out!)

Arguably, when training outside you can also achieve a better workout more easily. With weather conditions, terrain etc you will employ far more muscle groups, including core strength without even realising it, compared to simply sticking to a treadmill where exactly the same muscle groups are engaged with every step.

However, I believe there’s definitely still a place for gyms and all they offer.

When I’m not training for a long distance running race you’ll always find me in the gym, and here’s why:

  • There is no weather to contend with (wind, rain, sleet, snow and general ‘cold’ doesn’t sit well with me!)
  • If I want to engage in conversation I can but it’s also accepted that if I don’t want to chat I’m not being rude, I’m simply in my workout zone!
  • If anything happens and I need to cut short my workout I can. When I’m in the middle of a 14mile run, I simply have to run home before I can do anything else! When on a treadmill I can hit STOP at any time.
  • I love to people watch. It’s not just music that helps me complete 10k on a treadmill!
  • I am a firm believer that treadmill running has dramatically helped my marathon times and overall fitness.
  • Arguably there is less chance of getting injured from treadmill running compared with the increased chance of sprains and strains when you run outside (although I’m in danger here of readers shouting at my blog with thoughts of RSI!)

The other pro to running in the gym, compared with running outside, is that I secretly compete with other people who start running alongside me. I actually find a busy gym a motivating one and when another runner takes up on a treadmill next to me I always aim to run faster and for longer (unbeknown to them) no matter how long I’ve been running for already. There is also a lot going on in a gym environment to actually distract me from the actual running: the boys looking at themselves in the mirrors ogling there biceps *yawn*; the personal trainers with their clients; and perhaps spotting the odd friendly face who acknowledges my regular gym presence.

Despite having used gyms for the last fifteen years I will admit that even I still get a little intimidated if I go at certain times of the day, due to the pure volume of people that are there. Being self employed I’m lucky that I am not restricted to peak gym times and I think this is key. On the occasions I’ve had to work out between six and eight PM the gym is a totally different space and I can see why they are totally off putting for newbie gym goers.

Interestingly, the issue surrounding other people and feeling self conscious relates also to training outside. I know several people who wouldn’t want to run outside for fear everyone is looking and judging their running style or their puffed out red cheeks. Fact is (and this is a big one) NO ONE is looking at you. Whether you’re running on a treadmill or running along the river, everyone you see if far more concerned with their own lives.

This revelation completely transformed my decision about training both in a gym and outside years ago. They both have their merits as well as their negatives so as long as you get out of your personal comfort zone, increase your heart rate, stay injury free and improve your strength and stamina. I say train in the environment that works for you. NO JUDGEMENT :)


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