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Snow is Falling...are you?

It was barely December and we were faced with crazy subzero temperatures, snow and sheets of ice. Certainly in some parts of the UK there has been a little relief over the last week as the snow and ice melted and temperatures climbed back to about four degrees C (hmm toasty!). However, as we're only mid-December now it seems likely that the worst is indeed yet to come!

It may seem a little odd that, as a massage therapist, I should be so concerned with the weather (although I am a Brit and isn't that all we talk about?!) but, in this instance, it's because I'm a massage therapist that I thought the issue of snow and ice is perhaps more relevant than normal.

Last January, I found myself walking home from a long day at work, wrapped up like the female counterpart to the one and only 'Michelin Man' (several layers underneath a thick coat, big scarf and gloves and I had even given in to wearing a hat - which in itself never happens so it must have been cold!). I also had my laptop and other work stuff in a rucksack strapped to my back. Now, I'm sure in these icy times you will agree with me that once you're finally dressed for the crazy cold temperatures your movements are pretty much restricted to walking and perhaps sitting...try turning your head and it's simply not a goer!

So, I remember carefully walking along, compacted snow under my feet, possibly also with a thin layer of ice on top of that, cars moving extremely slowly along next to me when all of a sudden I was no longer walking along thinking about the events of the day. No, instead my feet shot out from under me and I landed flat on my back.

Now, I believe that I'm not the only one to have taken a tumble last winter or even this winter. However, after realising I wasn't in any pain anywhere I then tried to get up as quickly as possible in some vain attempt to cull any more embarrassment from onlookers in passing cars (they were pretty much stationary to my delight!). Sadly, it was not meant to be. With all the clothes I had on (and don't forget the rucksack) I was stranded turtle-stylee on my back, arms flailing as I tried to gather momentum to get my increasingly wet rear up and off the snow! In the end I had to somehow use my bodyweight to roll over so I could then move onto all fours and finally get back to a standing position!

If I hadn't been so aware of how I must have looked I would have felt very sorry for myself. Instead, thankfully I did see the funny side and laughed heartily and then continued to giggle to myself the rest of the way home (possibly then risking just looking like a bit of a nutter!).

Anyway, my point (and yes I got there eventually!) is that we have now entered the season of slipping, sliding and quite frankly falling flat on our backs. Therefore, enter Steph to help you recovery quickly (sadly only physically, I can't help the dent in your ego) and get you back on your feet!

Remedial massage is a great way to help torn muscles and ligaments, so it may be that you don't actually fall right over but strain or sprain muscles in an attempt to save the ego and keep walking (hoping that nobody saw the backward swimming motion we all do when trying to keep our balance!).

On a more serious not, be careful this winter, massage is also great to help prevent muscle atrophy that may occur with broken bones, but fingers crossed there won't be many of those this winter! If you need more info or would like to book a massage you know where to find me!

Reader Comments (2)

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February 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOffice Massage

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Tubal Reversal

February 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMack

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