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The Exchange of Treatment

There are so  many reasons why I love my profession, most of which I could have guessed before I even went into remedial massage, but as time the years roll on there is one element to being a therapist which has been a complete surprise to me. I used to feel guilty for it, but I have learned that it is simply another amazing aspect of my job, for which I am totally overwhelmed.

The unexpected, yet fabulous, "pro" that I refer to is how my clients help ME.

The fundamental reason for me to study remedial massage was how I could help others with conditions such as circulation problems, acute and chronic muscle and joint injuries, stress headaches/migraines, insomnia, arthritis (the list goes on) but it never ocurred to me that my clients would have such an impact on me. Surely I'm supposed to be the therapist that, during their treatment, helps the client (whether it's just a physical problem or both physical and emotional)?

Needless to say, the type of massage I practice usually encourages clients to chat throughout their treatment (although there are always exceptions to the rule!) rather than float off to plinky plonky music! It's during these conversations that I'm convinced most of the benefits occur. I'm touched that clients feel able to discuss personal problems and situations with me, knowing that anything discussed is entirely confidential of course, which in turn helps them off load emotionally and thus their physical body is positively affected. But what has truly amazed me is the number of times I have been asked about my life; what's going on in the world of Stephanie Blake?

I have always worn my heart on my sleeve. Something I have been criticised for, and something I have tried to change in the past. But, as I've got older I realise that, not only is this pointless (from the view of not being true to myself) but that the friends, and clients I have, actually like this about me. Clients like the fact that I'm open and honest with them about my life and how I feel about things and I hope it is this aspect of myself that encourages relative strangers to open up to me: talk about their issues and problems with someone impartial and maybe, on some occasions, gain some clarity or closure.

Frequently the conversations I have are mainly concerned with having a giggle. A bit of light, emotional relief from a somewhat stressful day at work or at home. Equally as therapeutic, in my opinion, as an indepth discussion on some major issue that has been penetrating ones thoughts on a daily basis! But it astounds me that this really works both ways...

There have been countless occasions where I feel clients may have helped me more than I have helped them! It touches me that clients want to offer advice and talk about things that have been upsetting me in my personal life and, where appropriate, offer solutions. In turn, my energy levels are often lifted and by the end of the treatment I'm not sure whether I should have paid the client rather than taking payment myself!

It's not surprising then that a few clients, over the years have become friends. Massage itself is a very intimate treatment. Essentially I'm asking a complete stranger, who is experiencing some sort of discomfort or pain, to remove most of their clothes and trust me to make them feel better. That's quite a  big ask! I think it helps that, in the majority of cases, the client will be looking down or away from me for the most part, which allows an element of detachment arguably a big help in making the client feel comfortable engaging in conversation.

I also think it helps that I, myself am rather a chatterbox! I like to think I know when to keep my mouth shut though, always taking my cue from the client as to whether they actually want to chat during their treatment or not. That said, I am a firm believer that the emotional state affects the physical one so if a client talks freely and is comfortable answering any questions I have it helps me gain a deeper understanding of the physical issue at hand. It makes sense then that despite my extremely physical job and passion for running, biking and gym training, that my body is injury free (it needs a good deep tissue massage more frequently but essentially it is injury free!). My clients, you, are helping me more than you realise...something I am eternally grateful for.

I was asked recently, in a video interview, how I stay so motivated and energised as, not only a massage therpapist, but also as a business owner (where I have to wear so many 'hats' even I'm not sure how I do it!). The answer came to me so quickly and with complete clarity: my clients help me as much as I help them.

You, the client, are the reason I love my job, want to be the best therapist I can be and strive to create a health centre that encompasses security, comfort and well being. If it were left to me I doubt The Conscious Health Centre would exist. Thanks to you my passion and dream has been realised at such a young age, and it excites me that there is still so many ideas I have yet to explore and potential yet to be unleashed. Both of these I am convinced will come from you.

It's true that one gets back what they give out. I only hope I am giving as much as I'm receiving.

Check out my new YouTube Conscious TV Channel and hear more on what inspired me to set up The Conscious Health Centre and 'Top Tips' for your health!

Reader Comments (2)

Hi Stephanie, I like the dedication towards your work and your undeterred spirits.Nothing wrong being open and considerate to clients. Especially being a massage therapist you need to think from your client's perspective. Keep up the good work!

You, the client, are the reason I love my job, want to be the best therapist I can be and strive to create a health centre that encompasses security, comfort and well being. -Breguet Classique replicas

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