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The Pregnancy Massage Privilege

I received news yesterday, that one of my pregnancy clients had finally gone into labour. She has been coming for regular pregnancy massage with me since March so I've been privileged to be a part of her health and wellbeing whilst growing a new baby.

I find pregnancy utterly mind blowing. I find the human body incredible with what it can do and how it responds to both genetic issues as well as the external environment (more so now as a massage therapist than ever before). To create a whole new person is a concept that, at times, seems too awesome for my headspace to fathom...

This may sound a little odd as women have babies all the time and, after all, it is what we (women) are 'built' to do. But when you break down what actually has to happen to create a baby, grow a baby, feed a baby and then raise a baby into childhood (on their path to adulthood) I question whether it's just too scary for me to consider...at ANY stage of my life.

I absolutely adore giving a pregnancy massage. Firstly, to know that I'm providing a degree of relief to an aching back, hips and/or legs; and secondly because I'm a small part of helping the emotional wellbeing of an unborn baby. How amazing is that?! Through massage I help "mum" to relax and unwind and, as a result, the baby benefits (usually showing their appreciation by becoming rather more active!).

People often forget how pregnancy can affect the rest of the body. Over nine months there is dramatic weight gain (after all by the end of the third trimester women are literally carrying on the inside the baby they'll be holding in their arms!). It's no wonder that muscles and joints will ache, circulation will be affected and lymph drainage may be more difficult for the body to cope with. Normal* weight gain from simply eating the wrong types of food, over a prolonged period of time, and not moving your body enough on a daily basis does not occur as dramatically. For a start this type of weight gain will be spread over the body rather than being focussed on one area. Muscles have a little more time to adjust and develop to the new weight and gradually your body will adapt to your new size.

That's not to say that weight gain won't come with it's own issues (which I won't go into here as we'll be here all day!) but I'd question whether it's really understood (or perhaps acknowledged) how much pregnancy can take its toll on the rest of the body:

  • lower back and hip problems

  • fluid retention, especially in the lower legs and around the ankles

  • tight muscles throughout the thoracic (middle) spine

  • insomnia (due to hormonal change and mental stress as well as having to give up favourite sleeping positions)

It can't be denied though that giving a pregnancy massage is as fantastic as receiving one (well...I hope so anyway!) but the "icing on the bun in the oven" (as Catherine Counihan says: Yummy Mummy Wear) is when I get the first visit from a pregnancy client who has her new born baby in her arms.

It sounds cheesy, but seriously, when you've been a part of someone's pregnancy journey (and in such an intimate capacity) there are no words to express what I feel when I see this perfect creation. It's truly amazing. Respect to Mother Nature!

And the best part is yet to come when I can then teach parents how to massage their own baby....

*For want of a better word here as pregnancy weight gain in itself is "normal" but you know what I mean!

Reader Comments (3)

Its really a nice and informative blog..
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February 2, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMack

Pregnancy and child birth are truly fabulous things that have no other comparison. A woman's body undergoes dramatic changes in this nine months. Massages can be very pleasant for the aching body and also for the growing baby. It is really wonderful to play a cameo in this ten month long motion picture!

your artical looks like food taste so delicious, much information is very useful to me. thanks ypdrni ypdrni - womens supra.

October 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercgdjbe cgdjbe

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