
Snow is Falling...are you?

It was barely December and we were faced with crazy subzero temperatures, snow and sheets of ice. Certainly in some parts of the UK there has been a little relief over the last week as the snow and ice melted and temperatures climbed back to about four degrees C (hmm toasty!). However, as we're only mid-December now it seems likely that the worst is indeed yet to come!

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Baby Massage: A London Novelty?

It's bizarre that sometimes, in life, you decide to undertake a course, read a book or go to an event purely for fun or for personal interest and then somewhere along the way it turns out to have a massive impact on your everyday life! This was very much the case when I decided to study baby massage with The Northern Institute of Massage several years ago.

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The Pregnancy Massage Privilege

I received news yesterday, that one of my pregnancy clients had finally gone into labour. She has been coming for regular pregnancy massage with me since March so I've been privileged to be a part of her health and wellbeing whilst growing a new baby. I find pregnancy utterly mind blowing. I find the human body incredible with what it can do and how it responds to both genetic issues as well as the external environment (more so now as a massage therapist than ever before). To create a whole new person is a concept that, at times, seems too awesome for my headspace to fathom...

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The Racing Bug...Have You Been Bitten?

It's been a while since I was in the flow of blogging. So many topics to cover and deciding which would provide the most interesting reading changes so frequently that I then commit to nothing. For this I apologise. However, at last I find myself in my favourite place to blog (and by favourite place I mean headspace as well as my physical location!). For those you who know me, even a little, you'll picture me typing away in Costa, latte in a takeaway cup, Blackberry to one side and diary open (ready to pencil in potential clients for the next week with any luck!). In terms of my headspace, I've tried several times to update my blog but struggling to find the words. Today, however, I feel back in the game and will hopefully produce something that wants to be read.

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The Exchange of Treatment

There are so many reasons why I love my profession, most of which I could have guessed before I even went into remedial massage, but as time the years roll on there is one element to being a therapist which has been a complete surprise to me. I used to feel guilty for it, but I have learned that it is simply another amazing aspect of my job, for which I am totally overwhelmed.

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